
Friday, August 7, 2020

Counting to 10 000

IALT: count to 10 000 by joining the dots, in order.

This week for maths, we had to complete a Numeracy 123 page, mark date, and score it as well. While doing this Numeracy page I learned how to order big numbers. For example, I started at 1010 and the next biggest number was 1027 so I drew a line to connect the dots. It was challenging for me because the numbers were small and I couldn't see them very well. Next time I will try and not get confused by the dots and just focus on the numbers. Here is a picture of what I did.


  1. Hi Olivia its Kyrhan from your class.I like your Counting to 10 000 sheet. Next time can you fix your WALT: Kyrhan.

    1. Thank you Kyrhan for the feed forward, I'll make sure to fix it.
